Level Up
Your Career
& Become
a Mortgage

Alberta's Most Trusted Source

for Mortgage Broker Courses, Professional Development, Industry Events, Advocacy, Mentorship & Community

Man crossing his arms

Financial Freedom & Flexibility

Climbing the corporate ladder will only get you so far. As a mortgage broker, you can manage your own schedule and work from anywhere.

Enroll Now
Woman holding laptop

As a mortgage broker, you’ll save people time, money and stress, helping them realize their lifelong dream of home ownership with fewer headaches and speed bumps.

Be the go-to mortgage expert your clients turn to as they make one of the most important financial decisions of their lives.

Take Control of Your Career & Build the Life You Want

Being a successful mortgage broker isn't easy - but AMBA's courses provide a foundation that goes beyond simply preparing you for an exam. We prepare you for a career.

All you need is the Right Training

The Alberta Mortgage Brokers Association (AMBA) is the voice of the province's mortgage industry having been representing the interests of Alberta Mortgage Brokers since 1975 and providing pre-licensing training for over 25 years. AMBA is the trusted source of pre-licensing education within the mortgage industry.


Years of Educating


Years Representing Brokers
  • Start Anytime
  • Learn at Your Own Pace
  • Supportive Community
  • Course Support
  • Networking Connections
  • And so much more!
Woman with a yellow shirt holding a tablet

Take the Courses.
Ace the Exams.
Make Career-Building Connections.

Explore the Fundamentals Course Explore the Practice Course Enroll Now
"Integrity, professional excellence, accountability and. Community...These are the words I choose to discribe AMBA! Great bunch that provide broker voice and consumer choice. The key to success!"
~ Max Singh
"AMBA Calgary office is very friendly and provides best in class advise and service"
~ Bhavik Dhaduk